When he came out Woosh broadband Orbit Flatrate plan, it was attended by a large number of customers within a very small window time. No other company in the market can offer such a plan. Unlimited data download speed limit, while the download speed has been limited to 128K (yes, and the rest of the world, feel free to laugh at this point.) But Woosh, slowly started to reneg on their plan , the change of flow guidelines and finally in early October, killing the service completely.
Murder? Perhaps exaggerated. The service still exists, but Woosh broadband has been very methodical and very deliberately traffic on their international fixed orbit plan for a return to a speed achievable with numbering Internet. No explanation was offered thousand or more customers on the plan, the speed was simply reduced. When contacted woosh broadband maintained that there was a "network of the unknown" with users in terms of constant rate, but the status of the network reported any problems.
SomeDigging revealed that woosh broadband has a limited number of users on their map of the orbit that used flat 'higher than normal levels of the Internet , so that the company has had to limit the bandwidth pool to protect its customers. There are a number of issues here. - First of all those who use a large amount of data were perfectly entitled too. They signed the woosh broadband Orbit fixed plan offered unlimited downloads at the highest possible speed. Second, "the protection of its customers' seems to imply the destruction of their online experience and, in many cases, their ability to run a business. There is no more protection than to steal my car 'protect' me to plant.
As if the issue was not serious enough, Woosh Broadband decided to accentuate the problem by misleading and even lying to its guests. While Telecom bandwidth (Woosh broadbands supplier) for the international gateways to "unknown error" were pinpointed as a likely cause of the problem, and the nature of the question in terms of what has changed in the service Woosh Customer (what a great oxymoron) device you. Woosh broadband customer support offered two options for change, or deal with the problem until it is resolved.
The objective of throttling was to get people to change their broadband Woosh Orbit fixed plan for Orbit 5 Or Orbit 10 plans, which would pay the user requirements for the use of additional data. Many users have reported that Woosh had the decency to communicate with them and ask them they would have been happy to make the switch, but they were somewhat levels change, and even pay for a service of inferior quality, they are more likely to change supplier De regime.
Woosh Broadbands response to customer complaints appears to be one of apathy incredible. They seem convinced that their contract allows them to provide that level of speed they want. The contract stipulates very clearly that Woosh broadband "do our best to provide the services at a high level ..." In addition, all contracts in New Zealand are too governed by the Consumer Guarantees Act, which requires that the products "fit for purpose", "match the description given and must be "acceptable quality." The broadband service Woosh that customers have received during the month of October obviously is not of acceptable quality is not suitable for the intended purpose and does not match the description of "speed download unlimited "and" the use of unlimited data.
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