Sunday, November 11, 2007

5 Tips To Improve Your Web Site Conversion Rates

Often, site owners spend more time worrying about how the letter that what he actually resembles said. If that sounds like you, then here are some tips that can help give your letter back its power 1. Beef Up Your Headline A good title is worth its weight in gold. That is the first thing your customers see and he needs to get their attention. To find out if the title does its job, ask the following questions:

• Is it specific to a product or service that you offer?
• Is it big and bold?
• Is it a complete message in itself?
• Does it make a promise or inviting the reader to do something?
• Does it engage the reader and make him want to read?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, you have some work to do. Spending time to make your titles as powerful and straightforward as possible. Otherwise, you could lose customers before they have the opportunity to present your product.

2. The address of the customer If someone had to walk in your house and ask questions about your product, you should have no trouble explaining it to them. You would probably ask them to sit down and have a friendly discussion about it.

And yet, when we write about our products on the Web, we forget about the score. But without it, your business is doomed to failure. So write your letter of sales with the customer in mind.

The easiest way to remember is that the words I, we, and we from your text and replace it with the words you and your. Of course, if you are telling the client a story, you have to tell it in the first person. However, you have to preface with references to the customer for engaging with the letter and give him a reason to read. For example:

3. Simple Keep Your Language When someone comes to your Web page, they must feel welcome and relaxed. They should read your copy and printing gather to discuss among themselves on their own terms, in a language they can understand.

Even if your site for the latest information on the brain surgery or quantum physics, it's not going to be of much use to anyone if we confine ourselves disregard his time to read it. Try using a tone of conversation, as if you were chatting with a relative or friend. If necessary, use the natural contractions and the forms of expression, as you would in conversation.

These tactics

help put the customer at ease and reassure him that you are not talking to him, you 're dealing on an equal footing. One way to test your copy for its ability to read aloud. If you notice the words that stick or you rewrite stumbles on them until all flows smoothly.

Is there a lot of white space?

Do your paragraphs too long?

Make your heart?

One might think that these things are graphic work. Not true. YOU decide how the letter should look. It may decide fonts to use or what color or graphics to be included. But you must always be in control of the expression.

When in doubt, follow the advice of Hemingway:
• Use short sentences.
• Use short first paragraphs.
• Use vigorous English.
• Be positive, not negative.

You may have written the letter best sellers of all time. But if you have not made it easy for the customer to read, it may never get the exposure it deserves.

In other words, does your product make his life easier, to help them save time or money, give it the competitive edge and so on? You need to explain exactly what your product will do for the customer of life better, happier or richer.

For example, your product may be an ergonomic keyboard designed to make typing more comfortable and enjoyable. So how can you turn that into an advantage?

obvious benefits and clear so that your customers know exactly what they are trying to do. Take the guess work out of it and make it easy for them to decide whether or not to buy your product or subscribe to your service.

Do not miss the traffic to buy. Use these 5 tips to refresh your sales copy and watch your conversion rates soar.